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Stay updated on the latest educational events featuring information from top universities worldwide and discover more opportunities for you!

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Achieve academic success with Studyzone, your comprehensive education consultant, offering expert guidance and unwavering support throughout the application process, program selection, and academic preparation.


Embrace the power of innovation and technological progress in Australia to broaden your horizons and pave the way for a promising future!

New Zealand

Embrace the power of innovation and technological progress in Australia to broaden your horizons and pave the way for a promising future!


Embrace the power of innovation and technological progress in Australia to broaden your horizons and pave the way for a promising future!


Embrace the power of innovation and technological progress in Australia to broaden your horizons and pave the way for a promising future!

United Kingdom

Embrace the power of innovation and technological progress in Australia to broaden your horizons and pave the way for a promising future!


Embrace the power of innovation and technological progress in Australia to broaden your horizons and pave the way for a promising future!


Embrace the power of innovation and technological progress in Australia to broaden your horizons and pave the way for a promising future!


Embrace the power of innovation and technological progress in Australia to broaden your horizons and pave the way for a promising future!

Why Studyzone?

Studyzone was established in 2000 and has continued to assist Indonesian students in enrolling to the world’s best universities, with around-the-clock care, swift process and high dedication to providing you the smoothest and easiest experience in your education journey!

Strong Industry Presence

Our network crafted over the years in the industry has given us an advantage over regular applications, providing you the best channels to make your process smoother and faster!

Personalized Consulting

With international graduates in our consultant team, we provide the most thorough assessment and options made especially for you to consider your pathway to a bright future!

End-to-End Services

Beyond your university application, we’ll prepare you with everything needed to start the journey of learning abroad, including accommodation and visa, and will be able to assist you even after landing!

Best In Industry

Our team are some of the best and most experienced in the industry, with some being returning international students, thus able to share their own personal experiences and stories!

One Step Closer to Your Dream University!

Studyzone is ready to provide all the necessary necessities to continue your studies abroad

Ask Anything and Everything to Us!

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They Who Achieve with Us

With the help of Studyzone as an overseas education consultant, they have succeeded in realizing their dream of being able to continue their studies abroad.
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Alyssa Nathania Reswari

The University of Melbourne, Bachelor of Design
Saya pasti akan merekomendasikan Studyzone kepada siapapun yang ingin melanjutkan pendidikannya di luar negeri khususnya Australia, karena sangat responsive, mengerti apa yang dibutuhkan dan mendengarkan keinginan saya.
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Haiqal Adelpha Efran

UNSW College, Diploma in Business
Mereka bantu aku dari awal proses registrasi, cari accommodation, urus visa sampai aku tiba disana juga akan dibantu terus. Staff-nya fast respond dan ramah.
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Hanzel Bratanata

University of Western Australia (UWA), Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - (Mechanical Engineering)
Mereka bisa memberikan opsi-opsi terbaik tentang university. Tidak terbayang sulitnya proses yang harus aku jalani sendiri jika tidak dibantu Studyzone.
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Ibu Yanti Sandra (Mama Regina Natasha)

Trinity, Foundation
Kami bersyukur bertemu Studyzone. Kami puas dan senang dengan apa yang Studyzone lakukan untuk membantu anak kami sekolah di Australia.
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John Putra Kuswadi

University of Sydney (USYD), Bachelor of Commerce
Aku merasa terbantu sejak awal pengumpulan dokumen sampai akhirnya mendapatkan CoE. Saat aku ada bingung, lalu aku chat, Studyzone sangat fast respond.
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Karol Tanto

University of Tasmania, Bachelor of Marine Science
Helpful, fast respond dan sangat informative terhadap semua pertanyaan dan hal-hal yang aku tidak mengerti tentang admission, enrolment dan lainnya.
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Michael Matthew Antolis

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMIT), Bachelor of Food Technology and Nutrition
Studyzone itu agent paling bagus yang saya temukan. Mereka gerak cepat dan benar-benar responsive. Studyzone juga bisa memberikan saran terbaik saat kita membutuhkan.
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Sonny Indro Prabowo

University of Sydney (USYD), Master of Business Administration (Leadership and Enterprise)
Sejauh ini aku puas. Service-nya excellent dan penjelasannya clear. Team Studyzone sangat sabar menghadapi kami yang juga sibuk dengan kerja sehingga waktunya terbatas.

Ask Anything and Everything to Us!